Friday, January 15, 2010

Jordan's 10th Birthday!!

Today is Jordan's 10th Birthday! We will celebrate by having a family birthday party all decked out in his favorite baseball team...the Angels, asking that everyone wear their red Angel gear in honor of the party. When I think back to when he was a baby, I never imagined what a huge impact he would have on not only us as parents but to others as well. He's a feisty little kid but a fighter as well. I thank God everyday for allowing us to be blessed with him as our son and could not be more proud to plan such a special party especially considering what he's been through.

A recent CT scan was done on Monday of this week showing that the mass in his chest is still there and only a bit a smaller. The doctors are talking with surgeons to determine if it is OK to put a port in his chest at this time. I should know more after his doctor's appointment on Monday.

His second pic line became clogged earlier this week. The nurses tried to unclog it but were unsuccessful so they had to pull the line out. Jordan received his chemo on Monday through a regular IV. He is now doing well. I thought we were going to start the maintenance phase at the end of this month, but the doctors are now talking to the head of the T-cell Leukemia Board to determine if more chemo may be needed due to Jordan not receiving all of the chemo stated on the road map. There were times we had to call off therapy because Jordan was too sick and could not handle the chemo. We will know soon. They may want to give him a more aggressive chemo therapy. As soon as I know more details as to the doctor's plans, I will post an update.

Right now, we will enjoy his birthday!


  1. Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday DEAR JORDAN, Happy Birthday to you!!!! We love you and are anxious for you to be the star pitcher again! Courtney, Tim and Big Ben

  2. Happy Birthday Jordan even if a couple days late. Just want to tell you all that you are still in our thoughts and prayers every day!!
    Take care, Jackie Maxson, Steven Powell and family

  3. Happy Birthday Jordan! You are in our thoughts and prayers each and every day. Take Care, Dixie, Kevin & Savannah.
