Friday, December 18, 2009

Chemo Will Begin...

On Thursday Jordan had a doctors appointment that verified the pneumonia is better and his counts are well enough to start the round of chemo that was delayed last week. This coming up Monday we will once again be admitted to the hospital for another spinal tap with chemo that will consist of four medicines. One of which will be given during the time of the spinal, two through his pic line and one in pill form. We will stay the entire day on Monday and that night for sure. It will then be determined the next morning, after another push of chemo, if we will be able to go home. That will only be if Jordan is not to sick and throwing up. Regardless, whether we go home on Tuesday or not, he is do back on Wednesday and Thursday as well, to receive more chemo. The same will be repeated the following week minus one of the heavier drugs, which should make it a bit easier for Jordan.In honor of Jordan going bald from chemo, Shawn decided to surprise us all and came home with a shaved head. What a great dad he is! He didn't want Jordan to feel alone. There's nothing he wouldn't do for his boys. We are so lucky to have him! Shawn lifts our spirits everyday helping us to remain positive.

This weekend Tristen has a baseball tournament that will keep us busy and keep our minds off of what next week may bring. Prayers will be needed for us...we hope the hospital stay will be short and that Jordan will not get too sick so that all four of us will be able to be together for what is one of the most important holidays...Jesus' Birthday!!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Macias family,
    Just wanted to check up on Jordan and the family. We love you guys so much and are praying that God brings abundant health and blessing to your family this Christmas. The God of Peace be with your wonderful family.
    1 Thess 5:23
    May God himself, the God who makes everything holy and whole, make you holy and whole, put you together — spirit, soul, and body — and keep you fit for the coming of our Master, Jesus Christ.
    Merry CHRISTmas
