The cast of Yucaipa Little Theatre’s “Oliver!” has scheduled an additional benefit performance for Thursday, August 6, 7:30 p.m., with all proceeds going to help Jordan Macias, a 9 year-old Yucaipa resident recently diagnosed with T-Cell Leukemia.
"We heard about the struggle the Macias family has been through as Jordan fights this battle and wanted to do something to help,” said Ken Corona, President of the Yucaipa Little Theatre Board of Directors. “Everyone in the community has rallied around the family and having this special performance is the best way we can contribute.”
Jordan was diagnosed with the disease on May 27, 2009, and spent six weeks in the hospital as doctors worked to reduce a mass that was pressing on his heart, causing a collapsed lung and putting Jordan into cardiac arrest.
He was recently released and is facing three and a half years of intense chemotherapy. His family is staying with relatives while his home is being retrofitted in order to create a safe environment in which to recover. All material for this remodel has been donated by area businesses and the labor has been provided by volunteers.
His mother, Melissa, quit her job to care for Jordan full-time and his father, Shawn, is facing an uncertain future as the troubled economy takes its toll on the auto industry, his line of work for nearly two decades. Tristan, Jordan’s 11 year-old brother, has stayed by his brother’s side since his return home.
“Other fund raising events have been held by local businesses to benefit the family and we’re proud that we can do something to contribute,” said Corona. “Someone in the community remarked that Jordan is a little boy who turned a community into a family. We’re honored to be a member of that family.”
To attend this special performance, please call 909-790-1884 for a reservation as the theatre has limited capacity seating. Tickets are $10 for adults and $8 for senior, students, and children. Family tickets are $25, and groups of eight or more may purchase tickets for $6 each.
If you cannot attend the August 6th benefit performance, “Oliver!” is playing at 7:30 p.m. on July 31 and August 1, 7 and 8. Matinee performances are at 3:30 p.m. on July 26, and August 2 and 9. A donation jar will be available for Jordan’s Cause.