Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The past two days have been busy. Jordan's bone marrow test came back good. The doctors would like to get a CT done to check the mass in his chest and and EKG to check on his heart, over the next few days. His next stage of chemo starts Thursday. It will last for the next two months. He will also have a weekly bone marrow test with this round of chemo. He will be getting a G-Tube inserted on Thursday as well. It is a feeding tube in his stomach, as opposed to the one he has in his nose right now. Jordan has started "talking" more. He doesn't have use of his vocal chords yet, but he can whisper pretty loudly and can be heard over the phone. Today he even did some arts and crafts.

Yesterday he was able to ride in a wheelchair to physical therapy. This is the first time in 5 weeks he has been out of his room, and the first opportunity he has had to see where he is. He is on the Peds floor now, so he has an ankle bracelet for security. He did really well at physical therapy, but was too tired to finish, so with about 15 minutes left, his therapist said he could be taken down to the lobby, just to see some of his surroundings. When they got into the elevator, the doors wouldn't close. Before they knew it, alarms were sounding and security guards were all over the place...Jordan's bracelet had gone off! (At least now we know those things really work!) After security interviewed EVERYONE, Jordan was back in his room undisturbed! Quite the excitement!

Once Jordan is home, he will need to go to a rehabilitation center to continue his physical therapy, so they are looking for one that is close!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Today Jordan saw his physical therapist. The session went "excellent"! He still can't use his voice, and can't eat or drink. He will be meeting with a speech therapist and a neurologist tomorrow. The results from his bone marrow test will also be back tomorrow.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Jordan had a rough day today. He has been throwing up a lot and has not been feeling well at all. They stopped his feeds for 3 hours to give him a break. They took a stomach x-ray to make sure everything is ok.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Last night Jordan was moved to a regular Peds room! Thank you for all the prayers...please keep them coming!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Jordan had chemo today. He is making progress each day. He's been sitting up for longer amounts of time by himself, among other things. There is a possibility that he will get to go home sooner than originally thought, but no promises. Please keep the prayers coming!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Jordan was able to have 1 1/2 Popsicles today! His aunt also trimmed up his hair. Tomorrow he will have a spinal injection of chemo and a bone marrow test.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Jordan was able to swallow 2 ice chips today. He is alert and watching TV. He is also working with a physical therapist on his vocal chords. They are encouraging him to use them through games. He has his next round of chemo on Thursday. They are doing a boost of chemo through a spinal tap, then they will do a bone marrow test. Jordan is still in a Peds ICU room. It is all decorated with baseball banners, pictures, and cards. Thank you for all of your prayers on his behalf. Please keep them coming!

Also, "The Green Frog Lounge will be hosting a 50/50 drawing at the end of June located at 27212 Baseline Ave, Highland. All proceeds will go to The Macias Family for Jordan's Cause."

Monday, June 22, 2009

Jordan is making slow and steady progress. Today he sat up in a chair for 6 minutes. His physical therapist wants to see him sitting in a chair by himself for 20 minutes, twice a day. His progress will be determined by how hard he wants to work. He has good and bad days. He is starting to get frustrated because he wants to go home. He still isn't eating or drinking. Hopefully that will come soon.

On a side note, Salon Tranquility in Calimesa is supporting Jordan's Cause! They have green hair extensions, one of the Leukemia Awareness colors, available. All proceeds go to the Macias Family. They are also raffling off an amazing Spa Package! For more information, contact them at 909-795-6005.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

We got an update from Melissa tonight...this is all coming from her!

Tristen had his second visit in 4 weeks with Jordan today. They have never been apart for this long, so you can imagine how emotional these visits are, and how hard this is on both of the boys.

Another x-ray was done of the mass in Jordan's chest. It is still compressing on his left lung. This is one of the reasons Jordan is still in the Peds ICU. They are hoping he will be moved out of there in the near future.

Jordan is awake and functioning. He has been reading his many cards and get well wishes. He read one today from the kids at Calvery Chapel in Prescott, Arizona! He has also been playing his Game Boy! He is very hungry and thirsty all the time. This makes him pretty feisty!

Melissa also wanted to thank Candace, aka Wally, for dropping everything and spending the past 3 days with she and Jordan at the hospital. This move has been hard on everyone, and she couldn't have done it without her!
A great picture of Jordan was sent out by text today...he was awake, wearing his Dodgers baseball hat, and his HUGE ear to ear smile! Our prayers are working! Thank you and please keep them coming! Hopefully we'll have some pictures for the blog soon!
Here are the Minor Dodgers receiving their First Place Medals at closing ceremonies yesterday!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Jordan is at the new hospital and is doing ok. He is aware of what is going on, and is more alert with each day. He has been given swallow tests, however, hasn't passed any yet. Along with his chemo and treatment plan for his leukemia, he is also going to be starting some physical therapy to help him speak and swallow.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Jordan was moved to a Kaiser Hospital tonight. He and Melissa went by helicopter.

Congratulations to the Minor League Dodgers!!! Jordan, Tristen, and Shawn's team won the tournament tonight! They defeated the Reds 15-8! Tomorrow is closing ceremonies at 10 a.m. at Bryant Glenn. The National League will have "Leukemia Awareness" Orange Rubber Bracelet Wristbands available. They have been personalized with Jordan's name on them...very cool!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

The doctors decided that Jordan wasn't ready to move yet, so he is still at Loma Linda for the time being! He had a busy day today...chemo, a CT, a chest x-ray to check on the mass, and a swallow test. He still can't talk, but is communicating better.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Jordan will be moving from Loma Linda to Kaiser within the next day. He is still scheduled for a treatment of chemo tomorrow. He is looking much better and is more alert today. He even watched a little T.V. He can't talk yet, but does mouth words and whisper.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Not much has changed since yesterday...Jordan is still off the ventilator and is doing ok! The doctors are increasing his calorie intake...hopefully he will start to gain back some of the weight he has lost. He is starting to lose his hair from all the chemo, but at least it seems to be working, the mass is starting to get a little smaller. His next round of chemo is Thursday.

Monday, June 15, 2009

The doctors have decided to put a hold on the biopsy of the mass. They are going to stick to their original treatment plan. Jordan needs to get stronger, so they are starting to feed him more through his IV, as mentioned earlier, he has lost quite a bit of weight since he was admitted to the hospital. He is still off the ventilator, but the past two days have been a little rough. The mass is still putting pressure on his left lung so it isn't able to expand like it should.

Shawn, Jordan, and Tristen's team, the Minor Dodgers, won their second round tournament game tonight and will be playing in the championship game!


Sunday, June 14, 2009

Jordan was taken off the ventilator around 2:30 this morning! Doctors haven't said if it for good or not, but he is off of it as of right now. They are planning on doing a biopsy of the mass tomorrow. There is a chance he might have to do some radiation, but that is still uncertain.

As you can imagine, this is a very difficult and frustrating time, as there are still so many unknowns. Please keep your prayers on behalf of Jordan, Tristen, Shawn, and Melissa coming. We know that God hears and answers our prayers! Please pray specifically for Jordan's progress and for inspiration for his doctors that they might know what direction to go as far as his treatment is concerned. Thank you so much for your support!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

First of all, thank you to everyone who participated in the Cut-A-Thon today! Don't forget, if you eat at The Fat Greek and mention Jordan's Cause, they will donate 10% of your bill! Monday is the last day!

Jordan had a pretty rough night last night, which carried over to today. He had an MRI and a CT done today. After the testing was done, his heart rate dropped to 44. It took the doctors awhile to get it back up. Melissa wanted to personally thank everyone from the Oak Valley Family Church for getting together and praying for Jordan today while this was going on. He has lost 7 pounds since he was admitted to the hospital, but he is hanging in there! The doctors hope they will be able to take him off the ventilator in the next few days.

On a baseball note, the Minor League Tournament started today. Shawn managed his team as Tristen and the rest of the Dodgers came away with a victory!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Not much news to report today. They are still waiting for the results from the MRI. Thank you for all of your prayers on behalf of Jordan and his family! They are greatly appreciated! Please keep them coming!

A quick reminder...Color Trenz in Yucaipa will be holding a Cut-A-Thon on Saturday, June 13th! It is located at 31608 Yucaipa Blvd. All proceeds will go the The Macias Family Benevolent Fund! Be sure to stop by!!!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Not much has changed since this morning. Jordan did have some x-rays done of his chest and an MRI today. He had a PIC Line put in...so no more IV's. He also had another round of chemo. His last bone marrow test came back clear, so he isn't in need of any donors at this time, which is a great thing! Since he is back on the ventilator, he is sedated, but not on a continuous drip like before. This time the medication is being given to him manually by the doctors and nurses. His chest is just too weak from the pressure being put on everything by the mass, which is why the decision was made to put him back on the ventilator.

A Small Step Back

The doctors decided to put Jordan back on the ventilator last night, and so once again, he has been sedated. The mass in his chest is still crushing against his left lung, making breathing a little too difficult for him to do on his own. His breathing on his own was labored all day yesterday...as if he'd just run a marathon, and the doctors weren't comfortable with that. Jordan also has chemo today. Please remember to keep him in your prayers!


Just a reminder...the Cut-A-Thon will be held this Saturday, June 13, 2008 at ColorTrenz in Yucaipa. All Hair cuts are free and donations will go to the Macias Family.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

As mentioned last night, Jordan is off all medication and is awake - well, he's still trying to wake up completely. He's been in and out all day. He's still not talking and his left lung still isn't working at 100% due to the mass pushing on it. Please no visitors yet, as he is still adjusting to everything that is going on. Thank you for all of your prayers! Please keep them coming!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

More Recent Update...

Sorry...lots of changes today...even though Jordan is awake and off the ventilator, he is on an apnea machine to make sure he is getting enough oxygen. The doctors didn't like the way his breathing was sounding when he was on his own, so they put him on this machine. It has been a very long and tough day for him, as you all can imagine.


Jordan is awake!!! The ventilator is out! He has a sore throat and can't talk, but everything is looking good at this point! Thank you for your prayers, please keep them coming!
The doctors have taken Jordan off his medication so that he can wake up! He has been moving around, trying to wake up, but he isn't awake yet. As soon as he is awake the doctors can take him off the ventilator! They just need to make sure that he is breathing on his own before they take it out. Hopefully it will be soon!!! Keep the prayers coming!

Keeping Our Fingers Crossed, and the Prayers Coming!

There is a good chance that Jordan will get off the ventilator today and that the doctors will wake him up!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Both chest tubes are out! Hopefully Jordan will be off the ventilator tomorrow!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Jordan had a really good night last night! Today they removed his right chest tube and tomorrow they will be running some tests to see if they can remove the ventilator.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

First of all, thank you so much to everyone who participated in our Jose's Nights this past week! The turnout on behalf of Jordan's Cause was enormous!!!

There really isn't any new news on Jordan today. He is still on the ventilator and is heavily medicated. His next round of chemo will most likely be Thursday. Please keep the prayers for he and his family coming!

Don't Forget...

Today is the last Jose's Day for Jordan! Eat at Jose's in Yucaipa! If you need a flyer, send an email to jordanscause@gmail.com. Thank you for your support!!!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Jordan's bone marrow test and spinal tap came back clear! The doctors are very happy about this, however, his white blood cell count is very low. For this reason, Shawn and Melissa are the only ones allowed in Jordan's room at this time. He is resting comfortably tonight.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Quick update...today Jordan had a bone marrow test and a spinal tap...no results yet. He also had another round of chemo.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Thank you to everyone who supported Jordan by eating at Jose's today! If you haven't had a chance to make it over there, our last Jose's day is Saturday!

Jordan is off all of his paralyzing medication. He is sedated and is resting comfortably. The doctors can see his heart better in the x-rays, so that means the mass is shrinking! Please continue to keep him in your prayers, and thank you for all of your support!

Don't Forget...

Quick reminder...Today is one of the Jose's Days for Jordan! Eat at Jose's in Yucaipa! If you need a flyer, send an email to jordanscause@gmail.com. Thank you for your support!!!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

It's the end of another day...and Jordan is still the amazing fighter that he is! Unfortunately, the doctors had to put him back on the paralyzing medications today. He is still on the ventilator and his lungs are filling with fluid so he has had some chest tubes put in to help drain them. The good news is that his vitals are all stable. His next round of chemo is scheduled for Thursday.

The Fat Greek Supports Jordan's Cause!

We are excited to announce that The Fat Greek in Yucaipa is supporting Jordan's Cause! From now until June 15th, when you go to The Fat Greek and mention Jordan's Cause, they will donate 10% of your bill to The Macias Family Benevolent Fund!

Thank you Fat Greek and thank you Yucaipa!

Monday, June 1, 2009

Thank you to everyone who went to Jose's today! We heard that it was the biggest fundraiser turn out they could remember! Let's make it even bigger on Wednesday!

Jordan had a long day today. He had a very strong dose of chemo. Unfortunately, he is still on the ventilator. Earlier this evening his vitals weren't where they should be, but the doctors were able to stabilize him. Just a reminder...he is strong and he is a fighter, but he isn't out of the woods yet! Please keep the prayers coming!

Don't Forget...

Quick reminder...Today is one of the Jose's Days for Jordan! Eat at Jose's in Yucaipa! If you need a flyer, send an email to jordanscause@gmail.com. Thank you for your support!!!