Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Jordan was able to have 1 1/2 Popsicles today! His aunt also trimmed up his hair. Tomorrow he will have a spinal injection of chemo and a bone marrow test.


  1. He is continually in our prayers

  2. in our thoughts and heart every day

  3. I check Jordan's progress every day. He is a friend of my friends at Meadow Creek Elementary, and I hope and pray he gets well soon! - Kellian Gray

  4. Hello All,

    This is Mike Hidalgo, Assistant Manager for Kaiser Security and Infant / Pediatric Security. I had the previlage of meeting Jordan and his wonderful family a few days ago. Jordan's story is one that I can relate to on a personal level and has made an impact on how I view life on a daily basis. Thank you. Stay strong and continue being that fighter that you are. I promise to bring you more movies....
